The Rage Select Podcast 525 with Michael and Jeff!
It's lights, camera, ACTION here on The Rage Select Podcast as Michael and Jeff discuss all the news of the week as well as much, MUCH MORE!

The Rage Select Podcast 524 with Bryce and Jeff!
The world famous RAGE SELECT PODCAST is at it again as Bryce and Jeff discuss ALL THE NEWS of the week as well as much, MUCH MORE!

The Rage Select Podcast 523 with Michael and Jeff!
Michael and Jeff are lining up the PERFECT SHOT on The Rage Select Podcast as they discuss all the news of the well as well as MUCH MORE!

The Rage Select Podcast 522 with Amanda and Jeff!
Hold on to your PUMPKINS because it's time for the RAGE SELECT PODCAST and Amanda and Jeff are discussing all the news and much, MUCH MORE!