Armored Core VI (Part 20)... THE FINALE!
The saga of Armored Core VI comes to its EPIC CONLUSION here on Sequential Saturday as Matt & Jeff finally ignite the FIRES OF RUBICON!

Armored Core VI (Sequential Saturday) - Part 19
Sequential Saturday is BACK and this week Matt, Jeff, and MIGHTY MEGATRON are getting some sweet revenge in Part 19 of ARMORED CORE VI!

Armored Core VI (Sequential Saturday) - Part 18
Things are getting SUS AF on the planet of Rubicon as Matt and Jeff start taking on missons from... ALLMIND in Part 18 of Armored Core VI!

Armored Core VI (Sequential Saturday) - Part 17
Matt & Jeff are SPOILING for a fight here on Sequential Saturday, as they play some of their greatest hits in Part 17 of Armored Core VI!