Rage Select E3 2021 Recap (Part Three) - Nintendo, Devolver Digital, and Wholesome Direct
It's the DRAMATIC FINALE of our E3 2021 coverage as Matt and Jeff recap Nintendo, Devolver Digital, and the Wholesome Direct!

Devolverland Expo (The Dojo) - Let's Play
What could be better than playing a video game that's basically a glorified commercial for Devolver Digital? Watching GRANT AND JEFF pla

The Best of Rage Select 2019 - Part Five
The Best of Rage Select 2019 cannot be stopped by anyone or anything as we roll on to Day Five of our yearly retrospective by taking a look

Rage Select E3 2019 Recap - Bethesda and Devolver Digital
It's beauty and THE BEAST as John and Jeff run down all the big announcements from Bethesda and the absolute lunacy of Devolver Digital