Rage Select E3 2019 Recap - PC Gaming Show and Ubisoft
John and Jeff are finding out what's thrilling and what's simply "meh" about the PC Gaming Show and Ubisoft in Part Three

Rage Select E3 2019 Recap - Bethesda and Devolver Digital
It's beauty and THE BEAST as John and Jeff run down all the big announcements from Bethesda and the absolute lunacy of Devolver Digital

Rage Select E3 2019 Recap - Electronic Arts and Microsoft
E3 2019 is over but John and Jeff are just getting started as they run down all the conferences from last year's show starting with Micr

Rage Select E3 2018 Recap - Sony and Nintendo
Jeff and John wrapping up their podcast coverage of E3 2018 with a deep dive into the Sony and Nintendo shows right here on Rage Select!