Metroid Prime Remastered (Sequential Saturday) - Part 7
Matt and Jeff are taking the phrase "between a rock and a hard place" to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL in Part Seven of Metroid Prime Remastered!

Metroid Prime Remastered (Sequential Saturday) - Part 6
Matt and Jeff are heading deep into the belly of the beast in Part Six of Metroid Prime Remastered right here on SEQUENTIAL SATURDAY!

Metroid Prime Remastered (Sequential Saturday) - Part 5
Matt & Jeff are getting cold as ice here on Sequential Saturday as they brave the Phendrana Drifts in Part Five of Metroid Prime Remastered!

Metroid Prime Remastered (Sequential Saturday) - Part 4
It's SEQUENTIAL SATURDAY here and you know what that means! More Matt! More Jeff! and more MINDLESS WANDERING in Metroid Prime Remastered!