Rage Select E3 2019 Recap - Square Enix and Nintendo
Rage Select's E3 2019 recap podcasts come to an EPIC CONCLUSION as John, Jeff, and special guest Amanda discuss Square Enix and Nintendo

Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle - Donkey Kong Adventure (Let's Play)
There's a whole lot of monkey business in The Dojo today as Matt and Jeff conga their way into Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle - Donkey

Rage Select E3 2018 Recap - Sony and Nintendo
Jeff and John wrapping up their podcast coverage of E3 2018 with a deep dive into the Sony and Nintendo shows right here on Rage Select!

Project Octopath Traveler Demo (Let's Play)
It's eight times the flavor and eight times the fun as Matt and Jeff check out Project Octopath Traveler right here on The Dojo!