Red Dead Redemption 2 (Let's Play) - Part 24
It's Sequential Saturday and that means another chapter in the life and times of Dr. Al-BEAR-t Schnitzel with Jason and Jeff right here

Red Dead Redemption 2 (Let's Play) - Part 23
Dr. Al-BEAR-t Schnitzel is breaking the rules as Sequential Saturday becomes WILD WEST WEDNESDAY with Red Dead Redemption 2 with Jason and J

Red Dead Redemption 2 (Let's Play) - Part 22
Everyone knows that when you mess with the bear... you get THE BEAR in Part 22 of Red Dead Redemption 2 with Jason and Jeff!

Red Dead Redemption 2 (Let's Play) - Part 21
Dr Alb-BEAR-t Schnitzel is marching for women's' rights this week in another episode of Red Dead Dr Alb-BEAR-t Schnitzel is marching