Heavenly Bodies (The Dojo) Let's Play
OUTER SPACE WEEK CONTINUES here on Rage Select as Tessa & Jeff work together to solve the puzzles of Heavenly Bodies right here on The Dojo!

Tandem: A Tale of Shadows (The Dojo) Let's Play
Forget about dancing on the ceiling because Tessa and Jeff are WALKING ON THE WALLS as they check out Tandem: A Tale of Shadows!

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond (The Dojo) Let's Play - Part 2
Goof Bidoof, Turt Ferguso, Jinx, and the rest of Tessa & Jeff's marvelous Pokémon are battling up A STORM in Part Two of Brilliant Diamond!

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond (The Dojo) Let's Play - Part 1
Tessa and Jeff are gonna CATCH 'EM... like... four today in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond right here on The Dojo!