Armored Core VI (Sequential Saturday) - Part 17
Matt & Jeff are SPOILING for a fight here on Sequential Saturday, as they play some of their greatest hits in Part 17 of Armored Core VI!

Harold Halibut (The Dojo) Let's Play - Part 2
It's time for The Dojo and Amanda & Jeff are shocked, SHOCKED at how much they're enjoying the strange undersea dystopia of Harold Halibut!

Harold Halibut (The Dojo) Let's Play - Part 1
Something fishy is happening in the world of Fedora and only Amanda and Jeff can uncover the sea-crets at the heart of HAROLD HALIBUT!

Gigantic: Rampage Edition (The Dojo) Let's Play
Matt and Jeff are going on a RAMMMPPAAGGGGEEE today on The Dojo as they check out the recently re-release of Gigantic!