Rage Select E3 2021 Recap (Part One) - Microsoft, Bethesda, Ubisoft, and The PC Gaming Show
E3 2021 has come and gone and that can mean only one thing... RAGE SELECT RECAP PODCASTS ARE BACK! That's right, we're diving into all the big announcements from E3 and this year Bryce and Jeff are kicking things off with Microsoft, Bethesda, Ubisoft, and the PC Gaming Show!
Follow Bryce on Twitter for Marbles and MORE!
Email your questions to mail@rageselect.com!
MP3 here - http://traffic.libsyn.com/rageselect/E32021Recap-PartOne.mp3 RSS feed here - http://rageselect.libsyn.com/rss iTunes here - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/rage-selects-podcast/id657490976